Continuing with the content flow with the next [third] release from the group Enizzyo - Themisto/Himalia 1. This is made up of 6 tracks, the first representing Themisto, with the remainder covering the innermost 5 Himalia moons of Jupiter

Lysithea was named for one of the lovers of the Roman god Jupiter, or the Greek equivalent, Zeus. In one account, Zeus promised to do whatever Lysithea asked after he impregnated her, and Hera (Zeus' wife and sister) tricked her into asking for Zeus to come to her in the same way he came to Hera when he wooed her. So Zeus rode into Lysithea's bridal chamber in a chariot with lightning and thunder and launched a thunderbolt, setting the room on fire. Lysithea died of fright, but Zeus snatched her six-month fetus from the fire and sewed it into his own thigh so he could carry the child to term. At the appropriate time, Zeus undid the stitches and out popped Dionysus
Lysithea was discovered on July 6, 1938 by Seth Barnes Nicholson with the 100-inch (2.5 m) Hooker telescope at the Mount Wilson Observatory
For further information: In Depth | Lysithea – NASA Solar System Exploration
Elara is named for one of the lovers of Zeus, the Greek equivalent of the Roman god Jupiter. In Greek mythology, Zeus hid her from his wife, Hera, by placing Elara deep beneath the Earth, where she gave birth to their son, a giant called Tityas
Elara was discovered on Jan. 5, 1905 by Charles Dillon Perrine in photographs taken with the Crossley 36-inch (0.9 meter) reflector of the Lick Observatory on Mount Hamilton at the University of California, San Jose
For further information: In Depth | Elara – NASA Solar System Exploration
S/2011 J 3
This moon has not yet been named and does not even appear in the NASA database of Jupiter Moons, as that does not yet recognize all of the discovered moons. S/2011 J 3 was discovered by S S Shephard in 2011
For further information: S/2011 J 3 - Wikipedia
Diawas named after the daughter of Deioneus (or Eioneus), wife of Ixion. According to Homer, she was seduced by Zeus in stallion form; Pirithous was the issue
Dia was originally designated S/2000 J 11 and discovered by a team of astronomers from the University of Hawaii led by Scott S. Sheppard in 2000
For further information: Dia (moon) - Wikipedia
Originally designated S/2003 J20, Carpo was named for one of the three Athenian goddesses of the flowers of spring and the fruits of summer and autumn
Carpo was discovered on Feb. 26, 2003 by Scott S. Sheppard and others from the University of Hawaii's Institute for Astronomy
For further information: In Depth | Carpo – NASA Solar System Exploration
Valetudo was names after the Roman goddess of health and hygiene (a Latin translation of Greek Hygieia 'Health') and a great-granddaughter of the god Jupiter
Valetudo was originally designated S/2016 J 2 (also as Jupiter LXII) and discovered by a team of astronomers from the University of Hawaii led by Scott S. Sheppard in 2016
For further information: Valetudo (moon) - Wikipedia